
Step up your game by unlocking these exclusive perks! Subscriptions are a recurring purchase and last for 1 month. All ranks purchased are global ranks and apply on all CorbaWorld servers! Please note, the perks listed are subject to change. We update the ranks as necessary to keep the perks fair and relevant as the server evolves. When you purchase one of these ranks, you are purchasing the TIER of rewards you want, not the specific rewards currently listed. Thank you for supporting the CorbaWorld community!

There is no way of upgrading the rank you have subscribed to for the listed period. In order to upgrade to a higher subscription rank while your subscription is still active you will need to stop your current subscription and sign up for a new one. Subscriptions are the only type of packages that can't be gifted to other players.

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Recent Purchases

1x Amethyst (Subscr.)

1x Amethyst (Subscr.)

1x Coal

1x Amethyst (Subscr.)